Objective of the association
The association works for empowerment, job placement and sustainable employment of the population of people 40+ and Olim who are unemployed and seeking an appropriate job (the "experienced job seeker"), with goals:
To serve as a professional and central address, and to meet the needs of the population of the "experienced job seeker" with an emphasis on the field of employment and career orientation.
To root out prejudice and discrimination that prevents people from earning a living after the age of 40.
To harness relevant institutions, the business sector and the public, to enable those who want, to exercise their right to work. (חיפוש עבודה)

The labor market in Israel today, more than ever before, is competitive, inaccessible, and discriminatory, resulting in a job search which is complex, difficult, frustrating and sometimes lengthy. For the "experienced job seekers" (ages 40+) and Olim, the process is even more difficult and complex.
Many job seekers encounter complex and varied barriers and difficulties. The barriers they face often lead to the following outcomes:
A growing feeling of uncertainty in the process.
The need for professional guidance – they are looking for trustworthy sources of support and empowerment upon which they can rely during the process.
The sense of failure and despair that accompanies any rejection results in a loss of self-confidence, avoidance of new initiatives, as well as an impairment of the chances of being absorbed into a new job.
The 50-plus-non-profit association, specializing in the provision of guidance and consultation to experienced job seekers (ages 40 and over), is the backbone and professional/occupational resource as well as a source of aspiration and hope.
Benefits and strengths of the association:
Access to most job seekers through geographical branches located in major locations across the country.
Reputation and experience, in promoting employment and integration of the target population in their new positions.
Team of seasoned professionals, highly committed with high social and cultural sensitivity.
Extensive experience in the operation of employment projects.
Experience in the organization and the production of regional employment fairs.
Possession of all required formal documentation, including proper governance certification and a private placement bureau license. (תעסוקת מבוגרים)

The 50-Plus-Minus Association, was founded in 2000, by Yitzhak (Itzik) Ganon, in response to a growing problem of discrimination against workers because of their age and their displacement from the labor market.
Throughout its years of operation, the 50-Plus-MinusAssociation accompanied approximately 6,500 experienced job seekers (aged 40 and above), and assisted approximately 2,600 of them in integrating into a suitable and stable job, or in launching a thriving business. In addition, the association has helped about 2,000 employers fill staffing needs with older, experienced, workers and of that we are proud!!!